Our Team
Pastor Jim and Michelle Lee
Pastor Jim has been in ministry nearly 50 years, and with Michelle have been a ministry team for nearly 47 years. Their musical talents have been a big "plus" through all the church years. Jim's guitar skills, mellow voice, "easy listening sermons" along with Michelle's keyboard talent and her teaching abilities combine for strong leadership.
Pastor Jim and Michelle have two grown children and three grandchildren. This coming July, they begin their 7th year at East Nim.
Visitation Minster Carol Kuryn
Carol has been the Visitation Minster at East Nim for 18 years. She has been married to her husband Brian for 54 years, they have one daughter and one grandson.
Carol visits church members who can not attend church, she fills in for the Lead Pastor, is committee leader for the Outreach committee, and so much more.